Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wanton Wednesday: Power of Pain

A friend of mine has recently started reading my blog and she knows both myself and my Adonis from times before we were an intimate couple.  We'll call her Deedee for future reference. She's been a friend for a long time and is a very pretty and buxum gal.  Her countenance is sweet and caring.  For my regular readers, maybe I'll get her to participate in a HNT with me in the future!!  (That's Half Nekked Thursday, Deedee - I know you're new to the scene!)
So, a quick "Hi!" to her and any new readers who have come along - and a thanks to my loyal regulars.
- On with the story! -
Anyway, I have recently crushed my foot with my screen door and had a bit of an upset emotionally with my Adonis.  They say that sometimes what doesn't kill us, makes us hornier... wait - I don't think that's right... anywhooooo it applies in this situation. Errr maybe in all situations involving me... ha!
Going about every day life makes us a bit complacent at times; satisfied for the normal mind-blowing orgasms we come to expect from our sexy significant others - not too concerned for the fun, unusual and explorative days of rarity that get thrown in here and there.
Seems like it takes an upset to shake things up!
Since our little emotional fallout and my following foot-crushing misstep, Adonis and I have had some unusually sexy, explorative adventures together.
Sure, more than one part of my injury RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) care could easily apply to fantastic and fun sexy times.  Go ahead take a moment to think on that. The best parts so far have been the rest and elevation.
Elevation is an obvious one - my ankles like to be near his ears!  Let me explain the joys of the "rest" part.
The way my body handles pain is to focus extra sensitivity to other parts of my body than the injured one.  It helps dull the pain in a conscious way.  Of course, this is for unexpected pain... BDSM pain is better focused ON rather than focused away. *grin*
We're often rushed and tired due to a little one sleeping in the next room; this can make sex a little more precious and the desire to finish a bit quicker.  We know each other well enough to push all the right buttons, feel intimate, and still get to that finish line before we have officially tired-out or the little guy comes wandering in for a midnight future-repressed-memory moment. This is usually accomplished by the Who's On Top switcharoo.  If he's getting there and I'm not - switcharoo.
Don't get me wrong, we both shudder with great satisfaction and feel aglow with love, but we're also two realistic adults and know how to have our cake and eat it too.  Well, because of my injured foot, the switcharoo isn't an option. It's 100% on him to take time, pay attention, and get me to the finish line - which actually has seemed to lead to more play time than before.  We've done more experimenting with positions where I don't have to support my body.  One of our favorites is spooning - this is hard to accomplish intimately if there's a big height difference, but his lips fall right to my shoulder and neck.  Perfect.  Also allows for exploring what feels good and where in a more accessible way.
So I've been resting and letting him explore and get creative - and he has definitely met the challenge.  Sometimes more than once in a session! Woot!
More later on how Adonis and I might plan to get Deedee involved in this lil blog here...
PS - As I'm rereading my post for editing purposes I realized that the funny part about my injury is that we didn't even consider letting it stop us from intimacy.  We just found a work-around - *WINK*

1 comment:

Nolens Volens said...

Haha! Love your interpretation of RICE. Welcome to Blogosphere, Deedee. :)